This is the zombies section, in here you can expect to find heaps of infomation about Black Ops 3 zombies, including info about the four maps Shadows of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache and Zetsubou No Shima, how to complete the easter eggs for these maps and some random but usefule tips. Before you start killin' zombies I would recommend that you check out the tips down below.
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Lobby ScreenThe picture to the left is of the lobby screen for zombies here you can do many things such as invite friends to play(4 max), change your weapon kits, change your gobblegums and choose wheather to play a public, private or solo game. |
Playing with FriendsFrom the lobby screen you can choose if you wannna play a solo game, a public game or a private game. If you choose to play a solo game no one can join you or play with you, where as if you choose to play a public game you will be matched in a lobby with up to 3 other players and if you choose to play a private game you can invite up to 3 other players to join you other wise your on your own. In private games friends can also quick-join on you. |
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GobbleGumsIn the image to the left you can change your GobbleGums, there are many different GobbleGums that are helpful in varous different situations. GobbleGums are used in game to give random effects such as walk faster when aiming. Raise and lower your weapon to aim more quickly (Activates Immediately, Lasts 3 Rounds). You can have up to five GobbleGums at a time but to access them in game you must use a machine that looks like the one on the left, they are usally scattered around the map. To earn some GobbleGums you have to level up, but to get the best GobbleGums you need to get vials of Liquid Divinium(earn these by playing the game) and using them at Dr Monty's Factory. |
Weapon KitsIn here you can change the attatchments on your wall-buy and mystrey box weapons. The mystey box is a randomly spawning box that can give you a random weapon and even on some maps the wonder weapon(usally a really overpowered gun). Wall-buys are weapons that you can buy off the wall, after purchaseing them you can then buy ammo for them if needed. |
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